Apply for a taxi licence Executive private hire vehicle licence – new application
Application process
In order for your application to be accepted, the application form must be fully completed and include all relevant information, supporting documentation and appropriate fee.
If any part of the application is incomplete, you will be requested to provide the missing information and the application will not be processed until such time as all required information, documentation or fee is provided. If you fail to provide all the information to complete the application, the application will be rejected.
Pay for this application online
The full fee for the licence is payable at the time the application is submitted.
If you are unable to pay for your application online, please contact the Licensing Team using the contact details at the bottom of this page.
What will I need before I apply?
In order for your application to be accepted you must ensure you send in the following information:
Completed application form
- A copy of the receipt for payment of the application fee. Payments can be made online. Payments can be made online.
- Written confirmation from your private hire operator that the vehicle will only undertake executive work, e.g. evidence of business-to-business contracts
- Photographs of the vehicle (interior and exterior) to evidence that the vehicle complies with the requirements of paragraphs 3d.27 to 3d.31 of the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy 2023-2027
- A copy of a new MOT issued within the previous 10 working days
- A copy of a valid certificate of insurance for private hire (when providing fleet insurance, a copy of the schedule/register of vehicles covered by the fleet insurance must be provided). Please note, insurance stating covered for public hire will not be accepted for private hire vehicles.
- Proof of public liability insurance for a minimum of £5,000,000
- A copy of the full V5 registration certificate for the vehicle, or, where the full V5 registration certificate in the new owner’s name is not yet available, the V5/2 green section of the V5 form and proof of purchase must be provided.
- Proof of compliance with required European Emissions/Age Standards
- Proof of compliance with relevant European New Car Assessment Programme (NCAP) standard OR where the vehicle is purpose built or converted for wheelchair access either a Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA) certificate or an Individual Approval Certificate (IAC) or a Certificate of Compliance (IVA6)
- Proof of vehicle tax
- Where the vehicle is fitted with a mechanically operated ramp, a valid certificate/report confirming the ramp complies with the requirements of the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (Please note the proprietor is responsible for ensuring that a competent person carries out the necessary checks in accordance with these Regulations.)
- Where the vehicle is fitted with a non-mechanical ramp, confirmation that the ramp complies with the relevant provisions of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
- Where fittings are used to secure wheelchairs to the floor of a vehicle, a certificate/report confirming that all the fittings are intact and are free from damage and wear
- Where the applicant does not hold a hackney carriage/private hire driver licence or a private hire operator licence issued by us, you must also provide:
- A completed Convictions Form
- A completed Reference Form
- A basic criminal record disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring Service (please note, a basic criminal record disclosure will only be accepted by the Council within 12 months of the date of issue from the Disclosure and Barring Service)
- A completed Convictions Form
Please note: Where the application relates to a partnership or a limited company, the name, address, date of birth and other information must be included in the application form for all partners and directors. In addition, all partners and directors will need to provide a completed Convictions Form, a completed Reference Form and a basic criminal record disclosure unless they are the holder of a hackney carriage/private hire driver licence, or a private hire operator licence issued by Shropshire Council.
Your completed application form and supporting documents should be submitted to the Licensing Team by email to
What happens next?
Once your application has been validated and accepted, we will:
- Make enquiries through the councils adults and children’s social care teams, West Mercia Police (or other relevant force), other local authorities and any other organisation, agency or person that the council has deemed appropriate to seek information from
- Where applicable, write to the referees provided
Providing the above are satisfied and there are no concerns about the application, we will grant the licence. In all other cases, the application will be referred to the Licensing Panel for determination. You would be notified in writing if your application is to be determined by the Licensing Panel.
If my application is successful, what happens next?
Once an application has been granted, we will contact you to arrange a vehicle compliance appointment prior to the licence plates being issued.
What is a vehicle compliance check?
Prior to issuing a licence a check is made of the vehicle to ensure that it meets our Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy. The checks completed will include ensuring that:
Where the vehicle can transport a reference wheelchair, that the driver presenting the vehicle is capable of safely loading and securing the wheelchair into the vehicle (The vehicle, including seating, wheelchair restraint and ramp, will be photographed and the images held on the vehicle record file for future reference)
Where the vehicle is wheelchair accessible, a sign confirming the vehicle is wheelchair accessible is clearly displayed
- The vehicle has a full-size spare wheel or space saver design wheel and tools to change the wheel OR a contract with a mobile tyre replacement specialist
- A No Smoking Sign is on display
- The driver is wearing their Council issued hackney carriage/private hire driver’s badge
- The internal ‘Vehicle Copy’ of the driver’s badge is displayed
- Where CCTV is fitted, a CCTV operating in this vehicle sign is on display
Provided officers are satisfied that the vehicle meets the requirements of the compliance check, the licence plates will be issued. If, however, the vehicle does not meet the compliance check requirements, advice will be provided, and a further appointment arranged.