Taxis (Hackney Carriages) and Private Hire Introduction
Shropshire Council has adopted Part II of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 and, together with the provisions contained in the Town Police Clauses Act 1847, and the Councils Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy 2023-2027, we carry out the licensing of hackney carriage drivers and vehicles and private hire drivers, vehicles and operators.
We have a duty to ensure that any person applying for a licence is, and remains, a fit and proper person to hold a licence. Therefore, prior to licensing an applicant will need to meet certain requirements, regardless of whether they are applying for a driver’s licence, vehicle proprietor’s licence or private hire operator’s licence.
To assist with fulfilling our duties, we work with other licensing authorities, police forces and other relevant authorities. Where appropriate, data can be shared in accordance with an information sharing agreement or relevant legislation.
The criteria that must be met is set out in the Councils Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy 2023-2027 (the Policy).
The Policy sets out the Councils expectations with regards to the licensing of:
- Hackney carriage and private hire drivers
- Hackney carriages (more commonly known as taxis)
- Private hire vehicles, including executive and novelty private hire vehicles
- Private hire operators
We are responsible for the licensing of vehicles which carry up to a maximum of eight passengers, along with the licensing of the driver of the vehicle and, where the vehicle is a private hire vehicle, the licensing of a private hire operator who can accept bookings and dispatch the private hire vehicle.
Vehicles with a seating capacity of more than eight passenger seats, which can include some stretch limousines, are licensed by the Traffic Commissioners, who are appointed by the Transport Secretary.
Many people don’t realise that there is a difference between hackney carriages, more commonly known as taxis, and private hire vehicles. Further information can be on our web pages.
Where a person is considering licensing a vehicle as a hackney carriage (taxi) and they intend to drive the vehicle, they will be required to apply for a hackney carriage vehicle licence and a drivers licence.
Where a person is considering licensing a vehicle as a private hire vehicle and they intend to drive the vehicle, they will be required to apply for a private hire vehicle licence and a drivers licence. If they intend to take bookings they will also be required to apply for a private hire operator licence. However, once licensed they could choose to work for a private hire operator licensed by the same local authority as the driver and vehicle.
If you're unsure which application or licence you require, it is advised that you contact the Licensing Team prior to submission of an application.
We also have specific responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 in relation to wheelchair accessible vehicles. We publish a list of designated wheelchair accessible vehicles which is updated monthly.