Taxis (Hackney Carriages) and Private Hire Vehicles
Hackney Carriage (Taxis) and Private Hire Vehicles
Shropshire Council licences vehicles as a hackney carriage (commonly known as taxis) or a private hire vehicle (including private hire executive and novelty vehicles) where the number of passenger seats is eight or less.
When considering whether to licence a vehicle as a taxi or a private hire vehicle you need to consider the type for work that you want to undertake. Further information on the differences between a hackney carriage and a private hire vehicle can be found on our hackney carriage or private hire webpage.
Legislation gives licensing authorities a wide range of discretion over the types of vehicle that can be licenced as a taxi or private hire vehicle. We do not specify the vehicles that are considered suitable for licensing, however, we do have a criteria that must be met. The main requirements for vehicles are set out in our Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy and on the relevant webpage for:
Novelty private hire vehicles
Please note, we will not licence any new vehicle that since the date of first registration has been recorded by the DVLA as having sustained structural damage resulting from a road traffic accident (an insurance ‘Write Off’ under the DVLA’s Category S – Structural damage classification for vehicle that has sustained damage after 1 October 2017 or Category C where a vehicle has sustained damage, rendering it beyond economical repair, prior to 1 October 2017). This information can be found in the Special Notes section of the V5 Registration Certificate.
In addition, we have a duty to ensure that vehicle licence holders (proprietors) are, and remain, fit and proper persons to hold a licence. Therefore, prior to licensing, applicants will need to meet certain requirements when applying for a taxi or private hire vehicle licence.
It is your responsibility to read the relevant parts of the full Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy 2023-2027 before applying for a vehicle licence to ensure that you and your vehicle meet the criteria which came into effect on the 1 April 2023.
All vehicle licences are issued for a maximum period of 12 months.
Licensed taxis and private hire vehicles can only be driven by a person who has been licensed as a hackney carriage and/or private hire driver by the same local authority that licensed the vehicle. Information on our hackney carriage/private hire driver’s licence process can be found in the hackney carriage/private hire driver’s section of our website.
Who can apply for a vehicle licence?
Applications can be received from an individual, a partnership or a limited company. Across all vehicle application types, the applicant for a vehicle licence must be the person who is the legal owner of the vehicle concerned and entitled to have ownership of the vehicle.
All applicants are required to show that they are a fit and proper person to hold a licence. Where the applicant is an existing hackney carriage/private hire driver or private hire operator licenced by us, this is evidenced through the driver or operator application process.
Where an applicant does not hold a licence issued by Shropshire Council, the applicant will be expected to provide a basic disclosure check, along with the names of two persons that can be asked to provide a reference. Where the application relates to a partnership or a limited company, all partners and directors will need to provide this information.
What are the requirements for a vehicle?
Vehicles considered for licensing should meet the age/emissions and safety requirements as set out in our Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy and as specified on the webpage relevant to the application type. However, all vehicles considered for licensing should:
- Be a Light Passenger Vehicle as defined by section 85 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 and have a minimum of four wheels
- Have a minimum of four passenger doors including an entry/exit point for the driver (unless the vehicle is a purpose-built hackney carriage)
- Provide sufficient means by which any person in the carriage may communicate with the driver
- Be maintained in a uniform colour and free from dents, scratches or rust
- Be maintained in a sound mechanical and structural condition at all times
- Have a watertight roof or covering
- Have seats that are properly cushioned and covered
- Have a floor that is covered with a proper carpet, mat, or other suitable covering
- Have fittings (including fittings that are used to secure wheelchairs to the floor of the vehicle) and furniture in a clean condition and be well maintained and in every way fit for public service
- Be maintained in a clean and safe condition at all times from both exterior and interior perspectives
- Provide at least two windows on each side of the vehicle of which one window on one side must have a means of opening/closing
- Have a full size spare wheel or space saver design wheel and the tools to change a wheel OR a contract with a mobile tyre replacement specialist
- Only have tinted windows that are in accordance with the manufacturers or specialist coachbuilder’s specification and must comply with the Road Vehicles (Construction & Use) Regulations 1986 as amended. The Council will not permit any form of additional film to darken or tint the glass on any part of the vehicle
- Provide means for securing luggage if the carriage is so constructed as to carry luggage.
Where tilting passenger seats are fitted the seat must:
- Be forward facing (with the exception of the fold down seats fitted onto the bulkhead/partition of a purpose-built vehicle)
- Be designed for use by an adult
- Have a three-point seatbelt
- When transporting a wheelchair user and the wheelchair user chooses to transfer to a passenger seat, be capable of storing the wheelchair securely away from the passengers and driver (e.g. in the boot)
- Where a mechanical ramp is fitted, comply with requirements of the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998
- Where a non-mechanical ramp is fitted, comply with the relevant provisions of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
List of Designated Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles
In accordance with the Equality Act 2010, Shropshire Council has published a list of designated wheelchair accessible vehicles. Information about our list, including the duties placed on drivers and operators and a link to our list, is available on our List of designated wheelchair accessible vehicles (Equality Act 2010) webpage.
Working with other authorities
We work with other licensing authorities, police forces and other relevant authorities to carry out spot checks of vehicles to ensure that the vehicles remain compliant with our Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy and the conditions attached to their licence.