Bridgnorth residents' on-street parking scheme

A residents' on-street parking scheme operates in permitted areas of Bridgnorth. Each eligible household is entitled to up to two permits (one where specified) and each permit can have up to two car registrations on it.

A permit won't guarantee you a parking space, nor will it guarantee that you'll be able to park directly in front of your property. All permits must be displayed at all times when using this parking concession, and you may only park in the area specified on the permit.

Limited waiting bays permit

This permit allows parking in limited waiting bays only, and not designated permit-holder bays such as those in Friar’s Street, Railway Street, Cliff Road, Mold Court or Severn Cliff. 
The scheme is divided into zones, as follows: 

Zone 1 - East Castle Street (up to two permits with up to two car registrations on each)
  • East Castle Street: all numbers 
  • Castle Terrace: all numbers 
  • Castle Hill Walk: all numbers 
  • St. Mary's Steps: all numbers 
  • Waterloo Terrace: all numbers
Zone 2 - Friar’s Street, Riverside and Southwell Riverside (up to two permits with up to two car registrations on each)  
  • Friar’s Street: all numbers
  • Bank Steps: all numbers
  • Cartway: all numbers
  • Granary Steps: all numbers
  • Riverside: all numbers
  • St. Leonard's Steps: all numbers
  • Southwell Riverside: all numbers 
Zone 3 - St. Leonard's Close (up to two permits with up to two car registrations on each)
  • St. Leonard's Close: all numbers
  • St. Leonard's Steps: all numbers
  • Church Street: all numbers
  • Moat Street: all numbers 
Zone 4 - West Castle Street (up to two permits with up to two car registrations on each)
  • West Castle Street: all numbers
  • Bank Street: all numbers 
Zone 5 - St. Mary's Street (up to two permits with up to two car registrations on each)   
  • St. Mary's Street: all numbers 
Zone 6 - Underhill Street (one permit with up to two car registrations on each) 
  • Castle Court
  • Bakers Mews: all numbers
  • Stoneway House
  • Underhill Street: 1-2, 4-12, 40 and 42-46
  • April Cottage (Library Steps) 

Designated parking bays permit

This permit allows residents of the following properties to park in designated parking bays in their area without restriction, but not limited waiting bays which are described above.  

Friar’s Street East (side) and West (side) 

(One permit with up to two car registrations on each)

  • Friar’s Street: 10-21 & 59-83 
  • Cartway: 2-26, 67-85 & 93-95 
  • Orchard Cottages 
  • St. Leonard's Steps: all residents  

Railway Street 

(One permit with up to two car registrations on each)

Railway Street:  numbers 6-50  

Please note: larger light goods vehicles more than 5.5 metres long or 1.8 metres wide will not be eligible for a permit at this location.

(Lights goods means a vehicle constructed or adapted for use for the carriage of goods or burden of any description).

Cliff Road 

(Includes Mold Court and Severn Cliff as determined by post codes) 

(One permit with up to two car registrations on each) 

  • WV16 4EY: all residents 
  • WV16 4NQ: all residents 
  • WV16 4EZ: all residents 
  • WV16 4HF: all residents  

Applying for a permit

How much is it?

Permits cost £50 per year (please note a £5 administration charge will apply should you lose your permit or if you need to change the details on it).

Where do I apply?

What do I need to provide?

To apply for a resident’s parking permit, you'll need to provide the following:

  • Proof of residency - current council tax demand; utility bill; rent/tenancy agreement (current and in the name and address of the applicant), or driver’s licence
  • Completed application form 
  • Payment - cheque and postal orders should be made payable to Shropshire Council. For those who would like to pay via card, you will be contacted once your application has been processed

Visitors and carers

Residents can register visiting vehicles as part of the permit allocation per household. You don't have to own a vehicle or be its registered keeper. Residents can also register a carer's vehicle as part of their permit allocation. Alternatively, a non-resident carer may like to consider obtaining a waiver for health professionals.

Visitor scratch cards

Bridgnorth operates a visitor parking scheme for eligible residents and businesses allowing visitors to park for either a full day or half day when displaying a scratch card. A resident or business may purchase a scratch card which is to be displayed within the vehicle at the time the vehicle is parked. Please read the terms and conditions.

On-street resident visitor scratch card books

An eligible residents parking permit entitles the household to be able to purchase up to 3 books within in a 12-month period, the 12-month period commences on the date the 1st book is purchased.

Books are available in books of 20 for half day scratch cards or 10 for full day scratch cards at a cost of £10.00 per book (for the first 3 books), any additional books within that 12-month period cost an additional £50.00. Scratch cards can only be used in the zone your address is associated with, further details are available here.

When applying please advise how many books at £10.00 and £50.00 you wish to purchase.

Residents can apply for the resident on-street visitor scratch card books either:

  • By post to: Shropshire Parking Service, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, SY2 6ND. Please supply proof of residency by way of a copy of your council tax bill or a utility bill from the last 3 months. Payment can be made either by cheque or postal order or by supplying a contact telephone number so we can call to take payment over the phone.
  • By emailing: supplying proof of residency by way of a copy of your council tax bill or a utility bill from the last 3 months. Please also supply a contact telephone so we can call to take payment over the phone.

On-street business visitor scratch card books

An eligible business parking permit entitles the business to be able to purchase scratch card books. Books are valid for a 12-month period commencing with the date the first book is purchased. Books are available in books of 20 for half day scratch cards or 10 for full day scratch cards at a cost of £50.00 per book. Scratch cards can only be used in the zone your business address is associated with, further details are available here

Businesses can apply for the Bridgnorth business on-street visitor scratch card books either:

  • By post to Shropshire Parking Service, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, SY2 6ND. Please supply proof of business residency by way of a copy of the business rates bill, or a business utility bill from the last 3 months. Payment can be made either by cheque or postal order, or by supplying a contact telephone number so we can call to take payment over the phone.
  • By emailing: supplying proof of residency tby way of a copy of the business rates bill, or a business utility bill from the last 3 months.. Please also supply a contact telephone so we can call to take payment over the phone.

If you have previously purchased a scratch card book and you are not sure as to when your next 12 month allocation starts, or have any other enquiries please call 0345 678 9000 or email for further details.