Mental health

One in four adults experiences at least one mental health problem in any given year. People in all walks of life can be affected at any point in their lives. Mental health problems represent the largest single cause of disability in the UK.

Whether you're concerned about your own mental health or that of someone else, making the decision to seek help is a positive step. If you choose to seek medical help then the various options that may be available.

Please use the links on this page to find the service you need.

Mental Capacity Act

Information on the Mental Capacity Act, including guiding principles, assessment criteria, and how to further your knowledge of the act through training.

Bereavement support

A service to help residents who are suffering from bereavement and loss.

Urgent and non-urgent support for a mental health concern

Contact information for key services.

Shropshire Independent Mental Capacity Advocate Service

Information on the Independent Mental Capacity Advocate Service (IMCA).

Deprivation of liberty safeguards

DoLS ensures people who cannot consent to their care arrangements in a care home or hospital are protected.

Let's Talk Mental Health hubs

Face to face information, support and advice for people experiencing difficulties relating to their mental health.

Suicide concerns and prevention

Zcards, the Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin Suicide Prevention Strategy and other useful resources.

Restricted service users

Information about restricted service users, service supervisors and the systems they fit into.

Support for children, young people and young adults

Mental health help for younger people in Shropshire.

Listening ear, emotional wellbeing and community support

Services that give people a listening ear and mental health support.

Online resources and information for self-care and keeping mentally well

Mental health resources for Shropshire residents.

Mental Health Social Work Team

Information about the services offered by the Mental Health Social Work Team.

How do I ask for help? 

If you feel you need help with your mental health please use our 'First point of contact' service.

Find out more about our Mental Health Social Work Team and information about urgent and non-urgent support for a mental health concern.