Connect on Demand

Connect on Demand is a flexible way to travel by bus - simply book your journey using the Connect on Demand app.

Connect on Demand services don't follow a fixed timetable. Instead, they operate on a flexible, on-demand basis, allowing you to travel between bus stops and designated points within the travel zone or to out of zone stops such as Shrewsbury Bus Station, Shrewsbury Railway Station and The Square to name a few. You can also use the service to connect to other bus services if you want to go further out of the area.

The easy way to book and track a journey is via the Connect on Demand app, available to download from both the Apple and Google Play Stores. You can also book by phone by calling 0345 678 9013. Phone lines are open Monday to Friday, 10am to 2pm.

We’re here to help you every step of the way, so give it a go and let us know what you think. Your feedback will help shape our future investment in bus services around Shropshire.

The Connect on Demand services have been part-funded in partnership with the UK government.