One-page profiles

What are they?

  • A summary of what matters to a child/young person and how to support them
  • The starting point to build and develop the production of a person-centred plan

When are they used?

  • At any time to support a child/young person to ensure their voice is heard
  • To provide a route for parents/carers to share their knowledge/expertise on how best to support their child
  • To inform person-centred planning and enable outcomes and targets to be more meaningful to the child/young person
  • To share information between staff and/or other professionals
  • As the earliest opportunity for getting the child’s/young person’s voice heard in the statutory process, and as a useful document to develop with the young person throughout their education to enable greater understanding among all adults who work with them
  • To be included in any requests for a statutory assessment
  • To help inform the conversion process

What is person-centred planning?

A one-page profile is just one of the many ways we're looking to bring person-centred planning into our processes. Person-centred planning puts a child/young person and their family at the centre of the work being done. It focuses on both immediate and future needs, taking into account the thoughts, concerns and aspirations of the child/young person, and those people in their life who are important to them (family, friends etc). It aims to give an accurate feel for who that child/young person is, and therefore will enable appropriate person-centred outcomes to be identified for the individual. 

Person-centred planning relies on sharing and understanding the right information, so that the child/young person can be supported to stay safe and healthy, and to have a positive life experience.