Outdoor Partnerships Countryside access and public rights of way
Information on Shropshire's network of footpaths, bridleways and other rights of way.
Application forms
All countryside access and public right of way application forms, including the landowner application form CA16
Current public path orders
View all the current orders for public path alterations in Shropshire
Guidance notes
Countryside access and public rights of way guidance notes
Highways and landowner statements and declarations
Find out about current statements and declarations
Open access restrictions
Information on current public access restrictions in Shropshire
Permanent traffic regulation orders on byways
List of BOATS subject to TROs
Register of formal applications
View the individual applications received for the Shropshire area
Rights and responsibilities
Rights of way legislation, including the division of responsibilities
Temporary closures of public rights of way
Information about temporary closures for PROW
The Countryside Access Team
Information on Shropshire Council's Countryside Recreation Team
The Definitive Map
Description of the definitive map, the legal record of public rights of way in Shropshire.
Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 modification orders
A list of current Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 modification orders in Shropshire.
Report a rights of way issue and feedback
If you have encountered a problem on a public right of way, or wish to provide feedback, please let us know.