Will my details be kept confidential?

The identity of persons reporting suspected breaches of planning control will be treated as confidential unless the complainant authorises otherwise, or the complainant is required to give evidence at a public hearing, inquiry or court case.

Please note that the specific information relating to the enforcement case would contain personal data. This is as defined under the General Data Protection Regulations UK 2018 (GDPR). We are unable to share this information. This means that we cannot provide regular updates as to what is happening on individual cases during the course of our investigation. If an update on an enforcement investigation is requested, we will only be able to provide information as to what stage the investigation has reached.

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 does not override this right to confidentiality and therefore the identity of complainants will not be revealed to third parties, unless any of the circumstances above apply. Where the success of an appeal or prosecution is dependent on evidence being provided by the person who reported the breach of planning control. The council will discuss with the complainant whether they are willing to relinquish their confidentiality and provide the required evidence before proceeding with formal enforcement action or a prosecution.

If you feel threatened and therefore unable to provide your details, it is recommended to seek support from your local councillor who can act on your behalf and protect your anonymity.