Travelling by bus

Plan your journey

Shropshire bus information is held on the Traveline website where you can plan your journey and search for bus timetables.

Get around for £2

A single bus journey will cost no more than £2 on several routes across Shropshire, at least until November 2024. View the list of participating services as not every operator will have signed up to the scheme.

Bus services 

We subsidise several local bus services across the county, and as such contracts bus operators to run them on our behalf. Other services are operated commercially without financial support from the council. Take a look at how bus services operate in the county.

Bus operators

Bus services in Shropshire are provided by several operators. For specific advice on bus fares, lost property or disruptions to services, see the bus operator contacts page. If you're looking to become a local bus operator please see our Information for operators page. 

Shropshire Bus Enhanced Partnership

An enhanced partnership is a formal agreement between the local transport authority and local bus operators to work together to improve local bus services.

Connect On-Demand

We run an 'on-demand' service south of Shrewsbury. More information about the service and how to download the app can be found on our related webpages.

Shropshire Hills shuttle

The popular seasonal shuttle bus is back in service for visitors to the Shropshire Hills from from Saturday 25 May 2024 until Sunday 8 September. The Shropshire Hills AONB website includes route maps, ticketing information and timetables. 

Mobility guidance

Our guidance is intended to be used both by ourselves and our partners to help ensure that we consider the needs of people with disabilities when designing transport infrastructure, services and information.