
  • 2017 public consultation report
  • 2019 cabinet report. This report:
    • Provides an update on the progress towards the recently confirmed funding offer for the Shrewsbury North West Relief Road (NWRR), following the submission of an outline business case (OBC under the Department for Transport’s (DfT) Large Local Majors (LLM) funding programme in December 2017
    • Restates the future financial commitment required by the council on programme entry to the LLM
    • Describes Shropshire Council’s NWRR programme delivery arrangements, to include team structures, stakeholder engagement, internal and external reporting arrangements, and wider communications plans
  • Full report on the environmental case for the NWRR
  • Full planning submission and public comments, 2021

Outline business case

The outline business case (OBC) for the Shrewsbury North West Relief Road (NWRR) followed published Department for Transport (DfT) guidance, including web-based transport analysis guidance (WebTAG) and supported a funding request to the DfT from Shropshire Council and the Marches Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP). It explained why the scheme should receive support, and provided a clear audit trail for the purposes of public accountability. It also explained how and why Shropshire Council had decided to put the scheme forward in that form at that particular time. It showed that the proposals were based on a realistic analysis of the situation, a clear vision of how things should be in the future, a careful consideration of options, a robust appraisal of costs and benefits, and a clear plan for delivering the scheme.