Course schedule

Our courses are listed here in date order. You can jump course dates by clicking on the page numbers at the foot of the page.

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Parkinson's Explained

To increase knowledge and understanding of Parkinson's

Also running on:
  • (Online)
  • (Online)

CPI: Verbal Intervention Training - 3rd Edition™

This course is recommended for staff who work in environments that require safe responses to escalating behaviours, but not restrictive or physical intervention techniques. Participants will learn how to respond to crisis situations with a focus on prevention, using verbal de-escalation skills and strategies where restraint is inappropriate.

Also running on:
  • Available
  • Available
  • Available
and 6 additional dates.

Domestic Abuse: The Impact on Children and Young People

Increase your understanding of the impact of domestic abuse on children and young people within the household and support available for families.

Also running on:
  • Available

Medicines Management in Care

Training to improve knowledge of medication administration in care settings.

Also running on:
  • Available
  • at Lantern Centre

Principles of Managing Meetings Effectively

Leadership and management training to improve meeting management skills including effective preparation.

Understanding Trauma and the Principles of Trauma Informed Care

To increase knowledge around supporting a trauma informed environment and those who may have experienced trauma.

Also running on:
  • (Online)
  • (Online)

Mental Health First Aid (2 days)

This 2 day course will train you as a Mental Health First Aider. It will give you an understanding of mental health issues, skills to spot triggers and signs of mental distress and how to step in and support others and also signpost to further help.

Also running on:
  • Available

Substance Misuse and Young People

Training to provide an understanding of young people using substances including addition, exploitation and AI exploitation

Also running on:
  • (Online)
  • Available

Principles of Motivating your Teams

Leadership and management training on the importance of motivation within staff teams. This training offers strategies to support motivation for yourself and your team.

Also running on:
  • Available

Safeguarding Adults Awareness

Training to introduce and increase understanding of safeguarding adults.

Also running on:
  • Available
  • Available
  • Available
and 21 additional dates.

Self Harm Awareness

Gain awareness of the current prevalence of self harm, the contributing factors and how we may work towards supporting someone who self harms.

Coercive Control and Trauma Informed Practice

Increase understanding of coercive control and how to adopt a trauma informed approach.