
We’ve developed an early help assessment, 'Circle of Support' tool and a 'Team Around the Family' action plan. The assessment should be used as a starting point for a discussion with family members where early help needs are emerging.  

The action plan is about working with the family to identify goals, solutions and tasks.

The early help assessment, action plan and information about the family is recorded and stored in the Early Help Module (EHM). EHM is a secure web-based case management system that allows early help agencies to share information about families confidentially, thus avoiding duplication and ensuring that families get the right service at the right time. EHM offers a 'one system' approach for early help services in Shropshire - if you'd like to sign up to use this case management system, please email

Form / document

Request for intervention form

What it is and when to use it

We'd like all early help partners to be registered for EHM. However, if you're not registered you can submit a request via the request for intervention form. It must be attached to a complete early help family agreement and an early help assessment. 

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Early help assessment

What it is and when to use it

The early help assessment can be used as a starting point for a discussion with family members where there are early help needs emerging. This should be completed online through the Early Help Module (EHM). 

An early help assessment doesn't need to be completed by one person; multiple practitioners can contribute. We've created the Circle of Support as a tool to help practitioners complete the early help assessment.

Further support:

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Family action plan

What it is and when to use it

A Team Around the Family action plan supports an assessment, and is about working with the family to identify goals, solutions and tasks to aid the identification of the right service at the right time. 

This plan should be completed and updated through the Early Help Module (EHM). Family Plan Tool LINK

Form / document

Family agreement form

What it is and when to use it

All families accessing early help support must have signed the family agreement form. Guidance has been created to support practitioners on how to complete this form.

A briefing sheet on information sharing has been developed for parents to help them understand why their personal information is held, and why it may be necessary to share that with agencies as part of the support and help provided. 

We're committed to being open and honest with families from the outset as to why, what, how and with whom their personal information will be shared. We urge professionals to gain written consent when seeking consultation or making referrals. 

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Request a male worker

What it is and when to use it

Evidence shows that it can be challenging when fathers and young males don't want to engage with early help. There's a need to provide safe, supportive, and inclusive spaces for discussion, to help men and boys feel able to open up and talk honestly about difficult subjects which are highly personal. There is an E-HAST lead family practitioner working predominantly with males who are resistant to engaging with plans and support, who can focus on creating meaningful and productive dialogue. If you think a male would benefit from working with a male worker, please complete this consultation form and send to You'll then be invited to a weekly panel to discuss the request further.

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Referral form for 0-25 Emotional Health and Wellbeing services

What it is and when to use it
This form is to make a referral for the new 0-25 emotional health and wellbeing service Bee U – previously CAMHS
Form / document

 Multi-Agency Referral Form (MARF)

What it is and when to use it

The Multi-Agency Referral Form should be used to make contact with children’s social care when you have a non urgent safeguarding concern (level 4). Level 4 - These are children whose needs and care at the present time are likely to be significantly compromised thereby requiring assessment under Section 47 or Section 17 of the Children Act 1989.

This Multi-agency Referral Form (MARF) should be used in conjunction with the local procedure 3.14: Threshold guidance, in order to support you to make a good quality referral to children’s social care. If your concerns are urgent, and indicate the child is at immediate risk of harm you must contact FPOC: 03456 789021 without delay, the MARF must then be fully completed and forwarded within 24 hrs to the Compass Team email account (you will need to do this securely*): 

Where should your forms be sent?

When you've completed the request for intervention, family agreement forms and early help assessment, please attach them to an email and send it to . A member of the Supporting Families Team will reassign the case on EHM to you.